Here you can find current information and news about the Bundesdruckerei Group and the digital world.
cybersec.lunch#24: Trustworthy AI – How much regulation does it really need?
At the 24th cybersec.lunch on 6 July 2023, speakers discussed the necessary framework conditions for artificial intelligence.
Quantum Chip Demonstrator Presented for the First Time
In future, quantum chips that work with light could play a central role toward making quantum computers possible. Bundesdruckerei and Q.ANT have developed a prototype.
Bundesdruckerei publishes Sustainability Report
For the 10th time, Bundesdruckerei has published a sustainability report according to the requirements of the German Sustainability Code (DNK). The 2021 issue is now online.
Bundesdruckerei a new member of the International Currency Association
Bundesdruckerei is regarded as a trustworthy and innovative partner for governments and central banks around the world. In April 2022, Bundesdruckerei GmbH joined the International Currency Association (ICA).
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Postage stamps: a seasoned strategic partner
It is not just banknotes that have to be very secure, postage stamps also need to meet the highest standards of protection against counterfeiting. With more than 250 years of experience in the production of counterfeit-proof banknotes, postage stamps and security printed products, Bundesdruckerei is the ideal, reliable partner for issuers of postage stamps.
The digital transformation of the German ID card
In November 2010, the ID card in credit-card format was issued for the first time with the online ID function. Since then, quite a lot has happened. Here are some of the highlights of the past ten years.
Security and trust for your industry
Bundesdruckerei GmbH develops secure solutions for a wide range of applications and are driving digitization forward.
Wholesalers and retailers - Traceability system for tobacco products
As a wholesaler and own brand producer, you have been obliged under the TPD to implement the TPD requirements since 20 May 2019. More information can be found under Specifications.
„Security by Design“ bedeutet IT-Sicherheit von Anfang an und ist Basis einer erfolgreichen Digitalisierung. Wir beraten Sie zu Ihrer IT-Sicherheit.
Innovation hub
Artificial intelligence, virtual identities, new technical possibilities: the experts of the Bundesdruckerei Group develop digital security technologies and solutions for tomorrow's world.
Quantum Chip Demonstrator Presented for the First Time
In future, quantum chips that work with light could play a central role toward making quantum computers possible. Bundesdruckerei and Q.ANT have developed a prototype.
Traceability system for tobacco products
Economic operators can now register in the productive system to use the traceability system for tobacco products.