
Sustainability: Bundesdruckerei's tenth Sustainability Declaration published

21 June 2022 – The Bundesdruckerei Group has been reporting on its contribution in the areas of environment, social affairs, and responsible corporate governance as part of the German Sustainability Code (DNK) since 2012, which makes this the tenth report to date. This cross-industry transparency standard for corporate sustainability performance was introduced in 2010. It lays down all the relevant criteria that companies must use to disclose their sustainability activities, such as natural resources, equity, and climate-relevant emissions. 

Bundesdruckerei has set itself extensive goals in these areas, which it is tackling through the use of comprehensive measures. For example, the Bundesdruckerei Group again sourced green electricity for almost all of its sites in 2021. This saved over 13,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional power sources. However, not all greenhouse gases can be avoided due to the energy-intensive production processes, which require particularly stable climatic conditions, for example. The company therefore offsets its CO2 emissions with certified climate protection projects and, through this, has been operating in a climate-neutral manner since 2020. In future, the Group would also like to generate its own renewable energy at its site in Berlin and is currently exploring the options available.

Last year, Bundesdruckerei set up its own sustainability department to coordinate and expand the commitment of the entire Group. The head of department, Mareike Ahrens, is particularly pleased with the positive feedback about the current report: "The evaluators at the DNK reviewed our declaration and approved it for publication without any requests for changes – a sign that Bundesdruckerei has gathered a lot of knowledge about sustainability in recent years and also takes the topic seriously, in keeping with its importance." 

New member of UN Global Compact

As the federal government's IT security company, the Bundesdruckerei Group is particularly committed to sustainability. Bundesdruckerei introduced an environmental management system in accordance with ISA 14001 way back in 1998, followed by occupational health and safety management in accordance with ISO 45001 in 2010 and energy management in accordance with ISO 50001 in 2013. 

In December 2021, the Bundesdruckerei Group also became a member of UN Global Compact – the world's largest voluntary initiative for responsible and sustainable corporate governance. Ahrens: “By joining UN Global Compact, we emphasise our commitment to anchoring sustainability in our strategy and making an active contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.” 


Declaration of conformity 2021

The Bundesdruckerei Group preserves the environment and creates a healthy and safe work environment. Find out more about the Bundesdruckerei Group’s integrated environmental management system.