Postage stamps: a seasoned strategic partner
It is not just banknotes that have to be very secure, postage stamps also need to meet the highest standards of protection against counterfeiting. With more than 250 years of experience in the production of counterfeit-proof banknotes, postage stamps and security printed products, Bundesdruckerei GmbH is the ideal, reliable partner for issuers of postage stamps. As part of the Bundesdruckerei Group, Bundesdruckerei GmbH is owned by the Federal Government and the partner of choice for the Federal Republic of Germany when it comes to producing security printed products.
Since 1851, Bundesdruckerei and its predecessor organizations have been strategic partners of the respective German postal administrations. The company’s very secure products and production facilities combined with the persistently monitored high quality of both its production processes and the postage stamps produced all meet with customer requirements. The company can deliver every conceivable variant – from high-quality single products with innovative components to mass products. Thanks to its extensive specialist knowledge, Bundesdruckerei GmbH not only produces postage stamps, it also has a deep understanding of postal and fulfilment processes and is closely involved in strategic and printing technology issues.
Our services and advantages
security from experience
As a producer of identity documents, such as ID cards and passports, and as a producer of banknotes, Bundesdruckerei GmbH is very familiar with the special requirements that apply to high-security products. This begins with our secure production facility, followed by the integration of security features in postage stamps and secure fulfilment and delivery processes.
In order to achieve maximum protection against manipulation, we are able to integrate visible, invisible and machine-readable security features. Bundesdruckerei GmbH also develops suitable sensor systems to check these machine-readable features. Thanks to our many years of experience, we have the unique know-how needed to determine which combination of features provides the best possible counterfeit protection and automated detection in our customers’ sorting processes.
Truly diverse in production
Bundesdruckerei GmbH produces a wide variety of postage stamps using offset printing: be it gummed stamps in rolls or sheets, self-adhesive stamps in dispenser boxes and sets, or stamps in maxi rolls. We also offer numerous variants of special printing effects to visually enhance stamps, such as glitter and shimmer effects, metallic inks or spot coating to highlight certain parts of the stamp.
Scented stamps which – when rubbed – smell of fruit or flowers, for instance, or latent images created using optically variable ink (OVI) are also possible. Our inline perforation enables us to offer flexible formats and unusual contour designs. What’s more, flexible and cost-effective production of the perforation tools means that complex see-through structures can be used as additional graphic elements.
Our highly automated finishing process for roll stamps is unique. We have a production line where stamps on rolls are punched, finished and then packaged ready for shipment. The machine offers a high degree of flexibility and can be retooled quickly, making production extremely efficient with little waste and short production times.
Our strict quality management is applied throughout the entire manufacturing process. We continuously monitor not just the final result, but also each individual step. Our various ISO accreditations are proof of this quality.
Excellent designer team
The design of a stamp is the most obvious part of the product. It has to meet the most diverse requirements – from conception and balanced composition to the colours used and the variety of motifs. Bundesdruckerei GmbH has an excellent concept and design team that has already won several competitions.
Our designers are listed with the German Federal Ministry of Finance and licensed to design German postage stamps.
Extensive expertise for customers
Is an inkjet-based cancellation stamp compatible with the inks used on a postage stamp? How does the data printed need to be prepared in order to achieve the best possible result? Which paper best matches which franking? Specialist knowledge is essential when it comes to producing postage stamps.
We have the expertise needed to advise our customers, even when it comes to specific technical questions. Bundesdruckerei GmbH is committed to working on a long-term basis with the best suppliers on the market in a spirit of trust. This ensures continuity in quality and sustainability.
Digitization of the postage stamp
Bundesdruckerei GmbH has stepped into the digital future with postage stamps featuring an integrated data matrix code. This code is a unique, machine-readable identification code. Strongly resembling the familiar QR code, it makes it possible to track the item sent by post. The printed 2D code is captured electronically at two points along the delivery route.
The sender of a letter can, for instance, use an app on their smartphone to see when their item will arrive at the sorting center in their own region and then at the sorting center in the recipient's region. Information on the stamp and the motif can also be viewed. Additional customer-specific information can be stored in the code.
A sequential or variable number is stored in the code, giving the stamp its unique identity. The code content is cryptographically protected. By scanning the code on arrival at the sender’s sorting center and then at the recipient’s sorting centre, the postage stamp is digitally stamped and cannot be used again. The code therefore prevents the postage stamps from being reused.
Interested in finding out more about our postage stamp production? Then get in touch with us!