With deep roots in tradition and innovation, the Bundesdruckerei develop counterfeit-proof and attractive printed products, such as banknotes and postage stamps, for governments and central banks.
ThemeSecure data
Data is an asset that must be protected. Digitalization is increasing the number of services that process data. That’s why it is so essential to protect sensitive data.
ThemeSecure identities
Secure identities are part of the core expertise of the Bundesdruckerei. With services and technologies ‘Made in Germany’, the companies of the group ensure that digital identities and sensitive data are protected.
ThemeSolutions for digital administration
The Bundesdruckerei can provide the solutions you need to ensure secure digital administration and comprehensive IT security.
ThemeThe digital future of medicine
The Bundesdruckerei are driving the secure digitalization of the healthcare sector with solutions that create trust, accelerate medical progress and protect patient data.
ThemeIT security
IT security is the foundation for successful digitalization. To facilitate connectivity and mobile working, sensitive data must be secured. ‘Security by design’ means IT security from the very beginning.
ListingLatest News
Here you can find current information and news about the Bundesdruckerei Group and the digital world.
ListingPress releases
Here you can find the press releases of Bundesdruckerei GmbH in chronological order.
Our Newsroom offers current information about the work of Bundesdruckerei. Here you can find the latest press releases and news from the Bundesdruckerei GmbH as well as the contact persons for media representatives.
ListingSecurity and trust for your industry
Bundesdruckerei GmbH develops secure solutions for a wide range of applications and are driving digitization forward.